Are You Constipated?

Are you constipated? Pelvic floor physical therapy can help!

Normal bowel movements are considered up to 3x per day to 3x per week. But more importantly you want to make sure you are looking at your stool consistency. Hard lumpy stools are constipated stools. 

You can use the Bristol stool chart to help guide you on your stools! Check image above from Cabot Health, Bristol Stool Chart -

Constipation can increase urinary urgency and incontinence symptoms, stress incontinence, low back and sacroiliac pain, and pelvic organ prolapse symptoms. It can cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures from straining. 

At pelvic floor physical therapy we assess your abdomen mobility and look for decreased mobility, any spinal restrictions, breathing strategies, posture, ability to relax/contract/bear down your pelvic floor muscles which are needed for optimal function. 

Tips to improve your bowels:

  • Stay hydrated! Cup of warm water or coffee can help stimulate morning bowel movements.

  • Use a squatty potty.

  • Exhale like your blowing out candles when you bear down during bowel movement to avoid straining.

  • Fiber recommended for women is 25-28g per day, for Men is 38g per day. Increase or decrease as needed depending on stool consistency.

  • Prunes, probiotics, magnesium can help. Magnesium citrate helps draw water into your colon to keep poop soft. Probiotics help keep your bowels healthy. Ask your doctor if these are good options for you. 

Hope these help and get your poop moving! Give us a call if we can help! 

Not medical advice, ask your medical provider or medical team for specifics for your case.


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