What to expect at our office

Our Process

Our process starts with a comprehensive evaluation to make sure we have a full understanding of what is going on. We will assess your posture, breathing, how you are moving, all surrounding joints of area involved, and your strength. For pelvic floor therapy we can perform an external or internal assessment of your pelvic floor muscles, it is always up to you. We will always ask for your consent and educate you on what information we can obtain from an assessment and why we think it is important. We want to know what you have tried in the past and what helped or didn’t help. We will look at the body holistically to get a good idea of what is driver of your symptoms. We spend ample time with you to make sure we have a clear understanding and develop a plan of care that makes sense to you. We will start treatment and come up with a program for you to start right away to work towards symptom resolution or management.

Relief from symptoms

In this phase, we want to build a foundation to initiate good movement patterns and establish habits to decrease or resolve symptoms. We believe a combination of hands-on techniques (massage, myofascial release, cupping, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization), and exercises can help build a good base.

Restore strength and coordination

In this phase we focus on stabilization, coordination, and alignment training with optimal muscle firing patterns. We progress to more functional positions for exercises and focus on postural exercises to enhance function. We also use body work as needed to encourage good movement patterns.

Return to activities and sports

The strengthening and performance phase is key to long-term success and life changing outcomes! Not only do we want to make sure you get back to doing what you love with confidence, we want you to have the tools and education to stay symptom free for the long haul and know what to do if flare ups happen.