Insurance PT vs Cash Physical Therapy
20-40 min with PT
Go to PT 2-3x per week
Unclear pricing, especially if high deductible plan
Need to hit deductible first, then may still have copay/coinsurance
May see different PTs each visit
Your PT may be working with 2-3 other patients at a time with help of physical therapy aides
Paperwork needed for insurance
Time to get to clinic for appointments
Slower results, less customized program
60-75 min with PT
Go to PT 1-2x/week or as needed
Clear price, no hidden charges
Same PT each visit, dedicated to your plan
One-on-one Physical therapy, full focus on you and getting you back to what you want to do
Mobile option saves money with time- not having to drive anywhere. PT comes to you
Given a super bill which can be submitted to insurance to see if any reimbursement given
Can pay with FSA or HSA