Get in the Flow
Learnings, Teachings, Tips, & Tricks
Testicle pain and pelvic floor therapy
Man with testicle pain and pelvic floor physical therapy
Overcoming Low Back, Hip, and SI joint Pain
Overcoming Low back, Hip, and SI joint pain with pelvic floor physical therapy
Pelvic floor PT after hysterectomy
Learn about the importance of pelvic floor PT after hysterectomy surgery.
What is proctalgia fugax or rectal spasms?
Rectal spasms/proctalgia fugax and pelvic floor therapy
Recovery after c-section: the role of pelvic floor physical therapy in scar and core healing
C-section recovery and pelvic floor physical therapy
Stop leakage when running
Get back to running with confidence without embarrassing leakage and use of pads with pelvic floor physical therapy
SPD (pubic bone pain) during pregnancy and what to do?
Symphysis pubic dysfunction, also known as SPD during pregnancy is common and can be super frustrating and can significantly limit ability to stay active during pregnancy. Pelvic floor therapy can help! Find out how in article.
Can you connect with your pelvic floor? Do you have pelvic floor symptoms?
Can you feel movement at your pelvic floor if you touch the area inside of your sits bone? Connect with your pelvic floor to overcome pelvic health concerns.
What is pelvic organ prolapse and how common is it?
Do you feel symptoms of heaviness, pressure, or bulging in your pelvic region? We can help with pelvic floor therapy.
What is diastasis recti or abdominal muscle separation and do I have it?
Diastasis rectus seperation/ DRA/ abdominal seperation and pelvic floor physical therapy.
Image used with permission from Pelvic Guru®, LLC
What are stabilization exercises and how can they help you manage pain?
What are your stabilizer muscles and how can we help with physical therapy to overcome weakness.
Image used with permission from Pelvic Guru®, LLC
Have you been diagnosed with Interstitial cystitis or know someone who has?
Interstitial cystitis and pelvic floor physical therapy
Are You Breathing Well?
Are you Breathing well? importance of breathe and pelvic floor connection and pelvic floor physical therapy.
Prenatal Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Prenatal pelvic floor physical therapy for labor prep, push training, and overcoming dscomfort during pregnancy.
Why is Thoracic Spine Mobility Important?
Thoracic spine mobility and pelvic floor therapy
Myofascial Decompression and Cupping
myofascial decompression, also known as cupping and physical therapy.